Sunday, November 6, 2011

Second Iraq vet Injured, Rush still crazy

The second Iraq war vet has been injured at Occupy Wallstreet. Kayvan Sabeghi, 32 was beaten by police as he made his way home from the occupy crowd. Reports are that he had sustained a lacerated spleen from the incident. No comment has been made yet from police involved. So far reports are that a police barricade stood between him and his home and as he tried to pass police took him down. There truly does seem to be a government vs people attitude growing beneath the surface more each day. In election news Herman Cain launched an ad saying that the attention he is getting over 2 decade sexual harrasement charges are a form of high-tech lynching. Even launching a clever T.V. ad which persuades the case. At one point you can hear a clip of non other than Rush Limbaugh talking about how the"Liberal" media is being blatantly racist against the fine black presidential nominee Herman Cain. Also stating that they are using low ball tactics against him. I can't believe I heard that come from Rush's lips considering the rants I can remember him going on about Barack Obama in an absurdly racist campaign he ran against him on his radio talk show 2 and a half years ago that remains ongoing to this day. I have to admire how Rush doesn't even try to hide his rhetoric, it's as if he just realizes that people so quickly forget in this country.

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