Saturday, November 5, 2011

Oakland needs your help

Occupy Oakland effort is in need of donations for supplies to help their cause.  This is a list that has been organized and can be found at

BRING ALL MATERIAL DONATIONS TO THE SUPPLY TENT, (14th and Broadway). CONTACT occupyoaksupply@gmail with questions or donations of services.
Consider donating used, recycled materials wherever possible and please be thoughtful in purchasing and vendor choices.
Cash donations are accepted or you may also purchase directly from our wishlist here:
URGENT NEEDS for Occupy Oakland! - October 30, 2011
Thanks for providing gently used items wherever possible!
Clean socks !!
Tent stakes !!
Sand bags !!
Duct tape
12 Tables for committees - rectangular (must be for outdoor use)
15 Chairs for committees (must be for outdoor use)
Blankets, sleeping bags
Cabinets/shelf units/milk crates for kitchen, school/library, arts and
crafts, supply, other committee/caucus tents
Rechargeable batteries and chargers
Walkie talkies
Poster making materials - poster board, cardboard, markers, paint, sticks,
Arts and craft supplies - crayons, pens, paint, markers, glue, scissors,
tables, paper, collage, sewing, knitting, crochet materials, string, twine,
Kitchen cooking and serving equipment
Storage bins
Hay bales
Warm clothing
Deep cycle car batteries
Cell phones
Lighting for general assembly
Funds for portapotties, utilities/power for cooking and sound for GA
(donate to the secure donations boxes in camp or on our website)
More speakers for better sound at general assembly
Services: Wellness/balance (acupuncture, bodywork, etc.), mediation and
counseling, hair cuts, bike repair/care
A place to charge batteries, kitchen space
Office space in downtown Oakland
Printing/copying services - bulk
Printing/copying services/access in downtown Oakland
~~~ We are THRILLED to be receiving 100 tents and tarps from Occupy Wall
Street this week!! ~~

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