Fox News tonight airs yet another republican national debate. The time for the first caucus in Iowa is near approaching. Will Newt crumble as he has a tendency to do, or will he remain the top candidate to take on Barack Obama in the 2012 elections this coming November. Ron Paul has solidified a second place tie in recent poles with former front runner Mitt Romney. Paul seems to be the only candidate who has consistently risen his numbers since the beginning of the race. He states that Newt Gingrich is the 'flavor of the week" for the republican party and also states that he could not support any other republican in this race that is currently running for president because he doesn't actually see there views all that differently from what democrats are trying to do when it comes to the issues that really matter. More military, more government growth as a whole, and no way to pay for any of this as they are consistantly lowering taxes. Fox tonight at 9pm eastern time will mark the last debate before the Iowa caucus. I'm sure it will be filled with gaffe's from an interesting cast although Herman Cain is out of the race there's plenty of room for blunders from the remaining candidates.
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